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How to Change Your Name on Facebook

Do you want to change your name on facebook? There is no issue. you can easily switch your facebook name. here in this article, I will tell you how to change your name on facebook. keep one thing in mind that you cannot change the name willy-nilly. Read this article to know what to do and what to avoid while changing your name on facebook.

How to Change Your Name on Facebook

  • change your facebook name by following the given steps:
  • log in your facebook profile. Go to the right top corner of the page and click on the down drop arrow an open the settings.
  • Select the general category and then here you will find an option of editing your name.
  • Then click on the review changes and set up your password and save the changes that you made.

How to change your name on facebook

What Cannot You Use in Your Name

Keep one thing in mind that there are specific elements that you cannot use in your name. Facebook does not allow these elements and these include symbols, numbers, odd capitalization, some punctuations, and repeated characters.

Other than this you cannot ad the characters from different languages, any title, phrases or wors, and offensive words.

How Often Can You Change Your name?

You should be very picky while choosing the name of your social sites because of every site as some sets and standards. You cannot change your names on and off. This is because if facebook allows people to change their names every day it will become too hard to find or track people. For this reason, Facebook allows changing the name after 60 days. 

How to Add the Nickname To The Facebook?

  • Facebook opens the door to add more than one name to your display profile. This is so easy. See the steps given below
  • Go to your main profile page and then go to the category of about
  • Here on the left side, you will find details about you and the option of other names. Select this option.
  • Click on the name type. A drop-down menu will appear. Select the type f name that you want to enter.
  • Click on the box marked show on the top of the profile along with the full name and see if your name appears or not.
  • Then save the settings and go on.

How to change your name on facebook

How to change your name on facebook

Syeda Saroash Zahra

I'm Syeda Saroash Zahra. I just let my words to come out at the desk when I don't actually want to speak. well, I write, on different niches like Fashion, Telecommunication, Health, Lifestyle, Travel and hospitality, Storytelling, and Web Content. other than this I used to do academic writing and business planning for private firms. I've worked as a web content writer. I've got special skills that make me able to do on time performance. I guarantee relevant working with efficiency and effectiveness.

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