
Top 10 Best WordPress Plugins – Free & Paid

If you are considering getting a hold of a website, it is advised to opt for WordPress because WordPress to the Website is just pepperoni to the pizza and cheese to the past, well we think we have made a point very clear. If you have even little know-how of the tech world, you would know that linking your website with WordPress can hold massive benefits. If you have made the decision, we have added 10 Best WordPress Plugins – Free & Paid. This list will ensure that you create an exceptional website using these plugins.

If you use the plugins in WordPress the right way, it can improve the overall functioning, effectiveness, efficiency, and the aesthetics of the website. This will ensure a better user experience. This is because believe us; one plugin can change the whole look and portrayal of your application. Moreover, it will ensure there is no broken website functionality.

  1. Contact Form 7

This plugin is a perfect option or the people who need to create and manage the numerous contact forms at once. Moreover, if they need to use reCaptcha verification, the plugin is a perfect option as it can ensure there are no spammy submissions. The filter will be taken place through Askimet. This plugin is very simple and does not require the users to put in extra codes to make it work.

Moreover, with this plugin, users can easily publish and create the alluring and captivating contact forms which will ensure that your audience gets to blow your inbox. This plugin is free and have five million active installations and with this free cost, this is perfect!

  1. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is a perfect plugin for the users who need to work on the on-page search engine optimization as it is the best plugin out there. Before starting off with the content creation on WordPress, a little manual keyword research is conducted. But even then, the Yoast SEO plugin will direct the users through the optimization process with extreme functionality.

As a beginner for on-page search engine optimization, this plugin a perfect option as it provides information about the keyword density, metadata, readability, and h2 tags. This plugin is completely free of charge and can be downloaded online.

  1. Akismet Anti-Spam

This is the plugin designed by the developers of WordPress so the effectiveness is for sure. Askimet Anti-Spam is the optimal plugin if one needs to keep the spammers at bay while ensuring the integrity of the website. With this plugin, users can easily work on the comments and reviews about the content while providing the status history. It will also narrate the spammy comments and reviews.

Likewise, it allows the users to observe the number of approved comments while paying attention to the URLs. It will automatically remove the useless comment. This plugin is free to use and even if you buy the premium version, it does not cost too much. So, great website at economical rates, does it get any better?

  1. WooCommerce

If you own a retail and shopping website, it is better to opt for WooCommerce if you are not using the Shopify plugin. WooCommerce is a perfect plugin for the WordPress masters. This plugin has been stuffed with extensions, features, and personalization to ensure the better selling from the website as compared to before.

There are numerous themes which allow the users to sell digital, physical, and affiliate products. Moreover, there are amazing conversion optimization tools which allow the users to work on their business. However, this plugin is for $12.95 per month which is economical if the business is doing fine.

  1. TinyMCE Advanced

If you are looking for something that will help you locate the content created at the backend of WordPress, TinyMCE Advanced is a perfect plugin for you. The plugin allows the users to add, remove, and relocate the buttons in the visual editor toolbar. It gives users access to configure over four button and other settings such as fonts, text, backgrounds, size, colours, tables, and much more.

With this plugin, users will be able to streamline the backend WordPress while simplifying the whole process. With this free plugin, there is no need for button searching as the processes are efficient and convenient.

  1. WordFence Security

In this tech stuffed world, the hackers have gone smart and the number of cyber-attacks is increasing at an exponential rate. This plugin allows the users to scan the viruses and malware and remove them. It allows the firewall that allows the users to work on the IP Whitelisting, IP blocking, Google crawlers, and limit the rates. When you incorporate this plugin, users will get the crucial warnings via email and force the hacking protection.

This plugin is both free and paid and allows optimal integrity of the website while working on the security of the websites.

  1. Google XML Sitemaps

This plugin is another SEO plugin which allows the users to do better on search engine rankings. This plugin ensures the special XML sitemap to improve the website index. When you download this SEO plugin, an automated XML sitemap will be developed. It will also improve the viewing, crawling, and indexing the website which promises the improved rankings. However, this plugin is completely free.

  1. WP Super Cache

In 2109, people hate the slow website and if your website is slow, there is no point in having a website at all. With WP-Cache, you will be able to improve the baseline speed of the website without any hassle. This plugin generates the HTML files from the existing WordPress website. This plugin is free to use and the configuration is up to the mark. So, if you need to improve the speed of the website, this is the plugin to opt for.

  1. Google Analytics Dashboard by ExactMetrics

If you need to measure the website traffic and keep a track of it, this plugin has been designed for all such purposes. With this plugin, the website owners are able to check the website analytics by linking it with the Exactmetrics. With this plugin, users will be able to measure the page views, sessions, bounce rate, and organic searches on the basis of location, referrers, pages, and keywords. So, in other words, you will know you much traffic you are getting and their sources as well.

With the Google Analytics Dashboard, users are able to device the browsers, screen resolutions, categories, operating systems, and other bran analytics for free. So, opt for this plugin if you need to check the analytics of your website.

  1. UpdraftPlus

This plugin is a perfect option for the webmasters who do not need any interference on their website. The interference regards to the viral and faulty update or it can even be the coding fling. This plugin helps by creating a scheduled backup which allows you to work on the website with an impeccable manner. This plugin is free to use.


This was all about 10 Best WordPress Plugins – Free & Paid and we hope that you found the perfect plugin for your WordPress website. If you have any queries, reach out to us in the comment section below and we shall be here to help you out. Thank you!

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