
O2 Internet Settings- Nokia, Android, iPhone, Windows, Blackberry

If you’re trying to access the internet or send MMS from your phone  on the O2 network. This step-by-step guide of APN settings will help you get your handset connected so you can socialize around, use web browsers and send MMs.

These settings will work for O2 contract sim cards only but options for PAYG sims are shown in brackets at some points.

Android APN Settings For O2

If you are an Android user, this point is for you a swe have added the manual APN settings so you can be connected to internet. Read the step-by-step guide below;

1.Go to the settings from your phone 
2.TClick on “Wireless and networks”
3.Now, click on “Mobile networks” and then click on “Access point names”
4.Click on the “menu” button (it will be visible at the top right corner)
5.Click on “new APN”
Name:o2 Internet (PAYG:
Username:o2web (PAYG: payandgo)
APN type:*

6. Now save the changes made and you will be connected to internet.

iPhone APN Settings For O2

In case your iPhone is not connecting to the internet through automatic settings, you can try the manual APN settings elaborated below;

1.Click on Settings and then click at Mobile/Cellular Data.
2.Click on Mobile/Cellular Data Options.
3.Click at Mobile/Cellular Data Network.

4.Enter the information given below;

Mobile or Cellular Data settings

  • APN: (PAYG:
  • Username: vertigo (PAYG: payandgo)
  • Password: password

Visual Voicemail settings

  • APN: (PAYGnot used)
  • Username: vertigo (PAYGnot used)
  • Password: password (PAYG – not used)

MMS settings

Username:vertigo (PAYG: payandgo)
MMS Max Message Size:2097152

5. Now, press the left arrow which will present at the top of the screen (click it 3 times)

6.Press the home button and you will see that you have gained access to internet
BlackBerry APN Settings For O2:

We are here to help the BlackBerry users who want the manual APN settings for their O2 network. All the details are given below:

O2 Internet APN Settings:
1.Go to the notification panel by swiping the screen downwards
2.Click on “Settings” and then Network connections” and finally “Mobile network”
3.Click on the option “APN” and then “Mobile plan” and choose one option from Contract or Prepay.

4.Enter the following details:

  • Access Point Name: (PAYG:
  • Username: o2web (PAYG: payandgo)
  • Password: password
5.Save the changes and you will be connected to the internet.

MMS APN Setting:

1.Swipe across the BlackBerry hub by swiping the screen to left
2.Go to the settings
3.Click on the option “text messages” and then “advanced”
Proxy URL: (PAYG:
Username:o2web (PAYG: payandgo)

Save the settings and you will be able to send MMS from your BlackBerry handset.

Windows phone APN Settings for O2

Windows phones have the tendency to connect automatically but if that doesn’t happen, do not worry as we have already elaborated the manual settings for different Windows phones;

Windows 10 Mobile

1.Open the app list from your phone
2.Go to settings and choose the option “wireless and networks” and then  “mobile + SIM”
3.Click on “SIM settings and then   add an internet APN.
Name:o2 Internet (
Username:o2web (PAYGpayandgo)
4.Select the box next to ‘Use this APN for LTE’ then save the changes.

5.You will be successfully connected to the internet

6. Now, for the MMS settings, click on “+ Add MMS APN”

7. Add the following details;

Name:o2 MMS (
Username:o2web (PAYGpayandgo)
Save the settngs to make sure you are able to send MMS.

Windows Phone 8.1

1.Go to the app list.
2.Go to the settings adn then choose the option “mobile + SIM” or “cellular + SIM”
3.Go to SIM settings after making sure that the data connection option is switched on
4.The internet APN and MMS APN settings are two seperate entities. Click on “edit internet apn”

5.Type this in:

  • APN: (PAYG:
  • User name: o2web (PAYG: payandgo)
  • Password: password

6.Save these settings and you will be connected to the internet on your phone 

7. TNow, for MMS settings, click on “edit MMS APN”

8.Type these settings:

  • APN: (PAYG:
  • Username: o2web (PAYG: payandgo)
  • Password: password
9.Save the changes made adn start sending those MMS.

Windows Phone 8

1.Open the applist from your phone by swiping left
2.Go to settings and turn on the data connection option
3.Go back to the app list by pressing the back button
4.Click on “settings” and then “access point”
5.If you are able see the name of your network , click on it otherwise click on “add”

6.Enter the following details:

  • Connection name – o2 Internet.

Internet APN

  • Access point name: (PAYG:
  • Username: o2web (PAYG: payandgo)
  • Password: password


  • Access point name: (PAYG:
  • Username: o2web (PAYG: payandgo)
  • Password: password
  • Proxy address:
  • Proxy port: 8080
  • MMSC address:

    Save the changes and you will be able to use the internet and MMS services

    Windows phone 7/7.5/7.8

    1.Go to the app list from your phone
    2.Click on “settings” and then click on “mobile network” and then add APN.
    3.Enter the following details in specific compartments:

    Internet APN settings

    • APN: (PAYG:
    • Username: o2web (PAYG: payandgo)
    • Password: password

    MMS APN settings

    • MMS Access Point Name: (PAYG –
    • Username: o2web (PAYG: payandgo)
    • Password: password
    • Proxy address:
    • Proxy port: 8080
    • MMSC address:
    4.Save these changes and you will see that you have been connected to the internet and you are aslo able to send MMS from your phone.

    Nokia Feature phone APN settings for O2

    In this section, we have added the details on manual APN settings for your Nokia feature handset. We have elaborated the steps intricately. Have a look;

    Internet APN

    1.Click on the “menu” option and then tap “configuration” and then go to personal settings
    2.Click on the  “Options” then click on Add new” and then tap on “web”.
    3.Click on the option “Account name” and write O2 Internet” and save the changes
    4.Click on  Homepage and type, and save the changes
    5. Click on Use pref. access pt. and choose “No”
    6.Click on Acc. point sett and then go to the  Bearer settings.
    7.Click on Pack. data and type in (PAYG:, and then save
    8. Usernameo2web
    10.Press the back button three times consecutively.
    11.Press and hold the network name as o2 Internet and choose the “Activate” option 
    12.Press the back button
    13.Click on Default config. sett. and then click on “Personal config”
    14.Click on “default” and then go to home screen by pressing the back button twice
    15.Save the changes and you will be connected to the internet
    This was all about the internet or APN settings for various handset brands. In case of any queries, reach out to us in the comments below and we will be here to help you out!

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