
12 Rabi-Ul-Awal – Significance, Importance, How To Celebrate

There is not much time in the sacred month of Rabi-Ul-Awal and we are sure that you as a Muslim are looking for the amazing yet worthy information. We as Muslims should know the significance of this holy month and if you are not familiar with it, there is nothing to worry about. We are saying this because we have added Rabi-Ul-Awal – Significance, Importance, How To Celebrate in this article.

12 Rabi-Ul-Awal – Significance, Importance, How To Celebrate

Generally, it is said that Rabi-Ul-Awal is the month of blessings because our beloved prophet, Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) was born in this month. If you want to know every detail that is an absolute truth, read the article below!

Significance and Importance of Eid Milad-un-Nabi

Eid-Milad-un-Nabi is the 12th day of this holy month, Rabi-Ul-Awal. As Muslims, we all have a faith that our beloved prophet, Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) is the last messenger of the creator, Allah Almighty. Our religion, Islam was created only because our Prophet (PBUH) spread it.  The entire world, even the non-Muslims think that our Prophet (PBUH) is the man of honor, trust, mercy, and honesty and there is no one ever born and neither will be born.

In 571 C.E, Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) was born on the day of Monday in Mecca during the month of Rabi-Ul-Awal and due to this; we celebrate this day as the blissful day as we were given the gift of our Prophet (PBUH). In every corner of the world, every Muslim celebrates Eid Milad-Un-Nabi during the month of Rabi-Ul-Awal. There are some other significances related to this sacred month. Some of those incidents include the building Masjid Quba which was the first mosque ever built in Islam, our beloved Prophet (PBUH) started his journey in this month and the first Jummah of the Islam was held in this month as well. In short, there is so much that happened during this month of bliss.

In the Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, Muslims celebrate this month to the fullest as they decorate their streets, shrines, mosques, roads with bright lights to welcome their prophet (PBUH). In many cases, streets are filled with free food stalls and sweets are distributed to make the most out this celebration. In many Muslim countries, the birth-day of our beloved Prophet (PBUH) is named as Mawlid and in the Muslim majority countries, 12th day of this sacred month is declared as a national holiday. At nights and during the day, Muslim read the Naats which are nothing but the praises of Prophet (PBUH). It is also said that Muslims earn great rewards also known as sawaab for listening and reading Naats.

On this blissful day, every Muslim should remember the doings of our Prophet PBUH) such as his mercy, kindness, and teachings and make a pact of following his deeds known as Sunnah all their life. Muslims celebrate this day to show their love, devotion, and respect for the Prophet (PBUH). In most part of the Muslim majority countries, Muslims start this day by offering Morning Prayer and indulge in Islamic activities. We as Muslim should send a message of love, mercy, kindness, dignity, diversity, dialogue, sacrifice, and diversity as our Prophet (PBUH) did the same.

On the day of Mawlid, there are mehfils (gatherings in which Muslims recite duaa for their Prophet (PBUH) and also listen to Sira (about the life of the Prophet). After the duaa, food is distributed and it brings nothing but inner peace, satisfaction, and happiness. The basic aim behind celebrating Mawlid is to make sure that people who have misunderstandings about the religion are free of them and that they are inclined towards Islam. In other words, its aim is to teach people about Islam, tell the young generation about the reason why we were born, and to remind everyone about the sacrifices of Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) for his Ummah.

In the holy book of Muslims, Allah Almighty states, “Say to them: If you love Allah, follow (and love and honor) me, and Allah will love you” (Quran, 3:31). This verse explains that Allah Almighty has mentioned that as a Muslim who loves the Creator, Allah Almighty, should love the beloved Prophet (PBUH) as it is a part of the religion. It reminds that one should always recite Durood Shareef for the beloved Prophet (PBUH). We pray that Allah Almighty guides us to the right path and we should always make efforts to follow the Sunnahs of Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH).

What Islam Says About Celebrating Eid Milad-un-Nabi

Rabi-Ul-Awal is the month that is considered the most sacred month of the Islamic calendar because it is the month when our Prophet (PBUH) was born. Every Muslim around the world love this day and they wait anxiously whole year for this day as they want to maximize their efforts regarding this day. If you want to make sure that you have a clear understanding of this day and know about its importance, one needs to understand the one-word meaning of each word. We have outlined everything for you in this section;

“Rabi” means Spring and “Ul Awal” means the first. When these words and meanings are integrated, we can see that Rabi-Ul-Awal is the first spring that signifies the arrival of happiness, content, and hope after the despair of long winters. Whenever the month of Rabi-Ul-Awal starts, Muslims all around the world celebrate the day and welcome the arrival of their Prophet (PBUH) in their own preferred way because everyone is unique and different. Everyone celebrates this day as per their traditions and cultures.

Now, let’s have a look at what our religion Islam says about celebrating the day of Eid Milad-Un-Nabi.

Birthday Celebration – In today’s world, birthday celebrations are very common and we spend millions on celebrating. Besides, if someone does not celebrate, they are considered odd. In the old times, Muslims and caliphs had no idea about the birthday celebrations so, it is evident that there is no trace of birthday celebrations in Islam.

Bid-dah – Celebrating this day with extravagance is considered innovation also known as Bid-dah and it is said that it should be stopped. This fact can be solidified by the following statement;

Jabir ibn Abdullah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, would praise Allah in his sermon as He deserves to be praised and then he would say, “Whoever Allah guides, no one can lead him astray. Whoever Allah sends astray, no one can guide him. The truest word is the Book of Allah and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad. The evilest matters are those that are newly invented (in the religion), for every newly invented matter is an innovation. Every innovation is misguidance and every misguidance is in the Hellfire.”

Waste of Money – There are Muslims who are literally spending millions on decorations and celebrations and they think that it will help earn them sawaab. But this is a completely wrong approach as wasting money isn’t encouraged in Islam at any rate. This fact can be solidified by the following statement;

(And give to the kindred his due and to the Miskin (poor) and to the wayfarer. But spend not wastefully (your wealth) in the manner of a spendthrift .* Verily, spendthrifts are brothers of the Shayatin (devils), and the Shaitan (Devil-Satan) is ever ungrateful to his Lord.) [Al-Isra, 17:26-27]

Extravagant Celebrations – Many Muslims have a wrong approach that putting up lightings on their homes, lighting diyas, and playing naats on huge speakers will earn them the sawaab. But the right approach is to pray Durood Shareef whole day rather than celebrating this day with extravagance. If you want a proof of this statement, you can read the following saying;

 The righteous are “those who, when they spend, do so not excessively or sparingly but are ever, between that, [justly] moderate.” [Quran 25:67]

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This was all about Rabi-Ul-Awal – Significance, Importance, How To Celebrate and we hope you know everything essential. If you need further guidance, type your queries in the comment section below and we will be here to solve your confusions. If you liked the information, share it with your friends and family and help us grow. Thank you!

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