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How To Rank YouTube Videos On Google First Page – A Complete Guide

YouTube has been named as the second most-used social media platform and also the search engine given the fact that people turn to YouTube videos the moment they don’t find the desired result on the Google search engine. This fact is enough to reflect the importance of YouTube and how big of a platform it has become. These numbers and stats have encouraged the businesses to make a YouTube channel and market their businesses through the videos. Other than that, have you ever seen that there are some times when you search something up on Google, it shows the YouTube videos in the result and if you want to land there at the top of Google rankings, this article has been designed for you. We are saying this because we have added How To Rank YouTube Videos On Google First Page – A Complete Guide in this article.

Tip 1 – Video Content

The first mistake that people make is the wrong creation of the video. Many businesses think that they need to market their business on each platform that they have a presence on. While on YouTube, you must not be focusing on being too sale’sy as it can put off the audience. We understand that you have created a YouTube channel to market your business offerings but there are other video content ideas as well. One such idea is to create a How-To Video featuring your business offerings.

Tip 2 – Video Length

YouTube is famous for its ever-changing algorithms which are updated every other day to ensure optimum user experience. In the recent update in the YouTube algorithm, they have given the guidelines about the video length. So, according to the observations and expert opinion, the video with longer watch-time do not perform well. The optimum video length is around 3 to 5 minutes. Moreover, the other numbers affect the YouTube video ranking as well which comprises of;

  • Total watch time of the video
  • Total number of comments on the video
  • Total number of likes on the video
  • Total number of videos that you have shared on other social media platforms
  • Total number of videos embedded in other websites

So, putting an end to this tip by concluding that your content must be appealing and to-the-point!

Tip 3 – Convention Naming

When you have created and edited the YouTube video to the perfection, you need to decide the name, right? So, the best thing to do is to incorporate some relevant keywords in your video title to make it rank better on YouTube as well as on Google.

Tip 4 – Catchy Description

When people click on the play button on your YouTube video, two lines from the video description will be visible to them. To, make sure that those two lines encourage them to read the further description by clicking on the “read more”. In addition to that, you can also incorporate the relevant keywords in the video description.

Tip 5 – Utilize The Playlists

When you create the videos and put them all in a playlist, it portrays a very positive image. However, as we are talking about optimizing the videos on Google rank, it is best to create the YouTube playlist with the keywords and add videos to it.

This was all about the tips and we can say that YouTube is an extremely powerful platform which has the tendency to generate traffic and direct to the engagement and conversion. We hope that we were some help and if you liked it, share it with your friends and family and help us grow. Thank you!

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