How To

App Store Optimization Tips & Checklist ( ASO Guide for iOS & Google Play Apps)

When a mobile application is developed, it is launched on the Google Play Store or Apple Store to be used by the target audience. However, if the optimization is not done the right way, there are high chances that your target audience will not even see the application and it will all go flat. If you don’t want this happening with you and your mobile application, we have added App Store Optimization Tips & Checklist for you all to make the most out of your application and bag millions of users. So, let’s dive in to see what can be done!

Understand The Keywords

If you even have a little know-how of the ranking on search engines and how the content shows up at the top, you would surely know about the SEO. Well, SEO works by adding relevant keywords to the content so when people search for it, your content appears at the top. This is known as search engine optimization. But as we are talking about the App Store Optimization, it is suggested or we may say mandatory to use the keywords in the description. However, before stuffing the keywords, you need to ask yourself a few questions to make sure that you understand the keywords;

  • What keywords the target audience is using
  • What are the most-used words for the search for the application

Once you answer these questions, it will be easier for you to design the keywords. However, when you are optimizing the application on Apple Store, you will be limited to use only 100 characters for the keywords. Yes, it is limited but if used the right way can result in amazing search ranks and visibility

Work On Application Title

You probably don’t think of it as an important factor but it surely is when you need to rank the application higher in the search results. This is because many businesses when designing the application, they deign their title alongside it without bothering to conduct a keyword research. However, this can result in devastating analytics. So, it is important to optimize the application title by making it relevant to the application while making it engaging. Many applications are forgotten because let’s accept it; they were not worth remembering. As a business, you do not want that happening with your application because you need to leave an impact on people to make them keep coming back.

When you are launching the application on iOS platforms, the title plays an integral role and the right keywords need to be incorporated to improve the overall ranking.

Stuff The Description With Keywords

When you are uploading or launching the application on Apple Store, it allows you to write a 4000 character description which is a good limit if you know what to write and how to write. For instance or we may say generally, your application description must cover the features of the application and its value proposition. By value proposition, it is concluded that what the application will provide to its users and how it will provide value for their time and effort. Also, while writing the application description, make sure that you are using the high-volume keywords to improve the overall ranking.

Creativity Is Must

When on application launching platforms, almost 6200 applications are launched daily and that clearly reflects the amount of competition there is. If you do not work on the creativity, you will lose on some great benefits and target audience because some other application will be already there to swipe for you. In other words, you need to stand out from the crowd.  You can start off by creating a preview video of your application that will highlight the core purpose of the application while shedding light on the features. Furthermore, it should portray a clear image of why the users need to opt for your application rather than your competitors. There are some small tips such as;

  • Use the character art of your application
  • Use the right fonts
  • Use the colors integrated with your business to make it recognizable
  • At the end of the preview video, you can add the call-to-action statement to encourage them to download the application

This was all about the App Store Optimization Tips & Checklist and we hope that you will do great on the App Store. If you need further guidance, you can reach out to us in the comment section below and we shall be here to help you out. Thank you!

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