How To

How To Create .BAT File Extension – And How To Open It Guide

The technology world is without any doubt the biggest industry out there and when it comes to the file formats, the diversity cannot be contained. Besides, when it comes to the processing files, there is a file extension known as .BAT which is quite common. However, people do not have much information about it. If you are from the same track, we have added .BAT File Extension – How To Open It & Much More in this article to help you out!

.BAT file is the batch processing file which can be termed as the plain text file. This plain text file has a bunch of commands which are vital for the task repetition. Besides, the commands in the file can be used to run the scripting group turn by turn. There are numerous software which utilize .BAT files in order to delete the files, copy the files, shut down the processes, and run various applications for improved efficiency.

How To Create .BAT File Extension – And How To Open It Guide

These .BAT files are also named batch programs, batch files, command files, scripts, shell scripts and are prone to rather use .CMD extension in place of .BAT files. However, there are many risks involved with the utilization of the .BAT files as they can be breaching the personal data along with the system files that are the integrals of your system. While opening the .BAT files, you need to extremely cautious with your actions!

How To Open The .BAT Files

Whenever there is a new .BAT file on your Windows or the computer system, it will be acknowledged as soon as it is recognized. As we have already mentioned that .BAT file has text commands and the text editors including Notepad will enable you to open the.BAT file if you need to edit. The Notepad is in the Windows from default and if you need to open it, choose the below-mentioned guidelines;

  1. Right-click on the .BAT file and choose the edit option from the menu that pops up when you right-click on it
  2. There are several advanced text editors such as highlighting especially the syntax one and it is helpful in editing the .BAT file

When you open the certain .BAT file in the text editor, there will be a code that appears up which is the reason for the development of file.

cmd /c “echo off | clip”

This above-mentioned code is developed for the erasing of commands and other text from the clipboard.


This code is for the .BAT file which utilized the ping command. This command helps the users see if the computer system can be connected to the router using the IP address.

As we have already mentioned that .BAT files can lead to the breaching of the data so while choosing to open the .BAT file received from email or the one which you got downloaded from the website. In short, you need to be careful about every .BAT file which you did not create on your own. There is a misconception that you will need to download additional software or a third-party app to open the .BAT file but that is untrue. You can simply double click on the .BAT file and the file will open if you are using the Windows operating system.

If you need to make the executable file, you can enter the text from first code mentioned above using the text editor. Once you have added the text in the editor, save this .BAT file and the deed will be done. Moreover, you can easily open the file to erase anything if you want that has been saved on the clipboard.

In the case of the second code which is related to the ping command. This ping command will ping the IP address. Besides, you can use the pause command to open the window using the command prompt and once the process is finished, you will be able to see the results. However, if you think that the file isn’t the text file, there are high chances that the file isn’t the .BAT file or the command file. If you want to affirm the file, you can check the file extension and see if it is .BAT or the .BAK file.

How To Create The .BAT File

If you want to create the .BAT file on your own, you can follow the steps mentioned below and you will be able to create the file. So, let’s see what can be done!

Creating The .BAT File

If you are having the network and connectivity issues on a regular basis and you will be dwelling in the command prompt by constantly incorporating the ipconfig and implementing the troubleshooting to see if the internet can be used. However, this is can be tedious and writing the .BAT file will be comparatively efficient.  You can get rid of this issue by creating the .BAT file, paste it into the USB and use it troubleshoot your computer.

  1. Create The New Text Document – The .BAT file is responsible for simplifying the command prompts related to the Windows system. We have added an example which is aimed at displaying the command prompt text when you use the .BAT file. Then, create the new .BAT file by clicking on the space in the directory. Then, select “new” from the menu and go to “text document”

2. Then, double click on the new text document for opening the text editor (the default one of your computer system). Then, copy the below mentioned code and paste it into the text entry

@echo off title This is your first batch script!echo Welcome to batch scripting!pause

  1. The above-mentioned code will state the welcoming to the .BAT file scripting and then, save the file by choosing the “Save Us” option from the file tab at the top. You will need to choose the name for your file but make sure that you have added the .BAT extension and after that, click on the OK button to save the file. Now, if you want to activate the freshly created .BAT file, double-click on it

However, this is not the only thing .BAT files are prone to achieve as they are the improved and enhanced versions of the command prompt. This is the reason that command prompts have been made limited and if you are unfamiliar with its function, command prompt has many features and functionalities.

Learning The Batch Scripting Basics

There is one thing common when it comes to the .BAT files and command prompts is that they are built using the same language. These things save a lot of time and efforts as you only need to tell the input you want to add instead of adding the complete codes all by yourself. This is also helpful in incorporating the conditional statements and simple loops and more logics which can prompt the conceptuality in programming.

  • title: This function signifies the provision of <title> if you are using the HTML and it will provide the batch script title if you are using the command prompt window
  • echo: This will make sure that you are able to create the viewership of command prompt working script. This code is successful because it allows the users to check the working progress. However, if there are any batch file complexities, you can easily view the complexities and issues in the command through this function. Now, when you add the off parameter to the code, you will be able to close the scripting once you are done with the batching.
  • cls: This function allows the users to clear the command prompt as it will also enable you to find the things you had to access
  • %%a: This function will bring the files in the folders
  • rem: This function can be named as the remark shorthand and happens to provide the same features as that of <!- tag if you are using the HTML language. These rem statements will not be added to the code and can be used to provide information for the code and also explains the functions.
  • (“.\”): This is the functional code for the root folder. When you use this function, you will need to direct the command prompt to the directory before you work on changing the file name or even delete the file. In the case of .BAT files, you can copy and paste the .BAT file within the specific directory
  • start “” [website]: This function code will make sure that you are directed to the default browser of your computer system
  • pause: This function code allows the users to inculcate the logical chain break in the .BAT file. This will help ensure that users are able to read the command lines before the further actions are taken regarding the code. You will see the “press any key to continue” will portray the pause function
  • ping: This function code will ping the IP address by sending the data packages with the help of server routing to check the response rate and location
  • ipconfig: This has to be the pioneer command prompt function code which enables the users to release information regarding the network. The network information signifies IP address, subnet masks, and MAC address

This function code library is growing at a huge scale and there is Wikibook entry. This entry allows the users to hold library for .BAT file variables and script parameters.

Write & Run The Batch File Also Known As .BAT File

There are online as well as offline activities which can be worked upon as we create the two different batch scripts for simplifying the whole process.

News Script

This script allows the users to create an effective batch script. But if you want to create the news website from level scratch. As we already know that batch scripts utilize the command prompt parameters to create the script that allows the users to create the script which allows them to launch the media news in a singular window or the browser.

Moreover, if you need to iterate and reiterate the batch creation proceedings, you will need to create the new text file. Then, right-click on the empty space as per your preference and then, select new text document. When you open the text file, you can add the following script code;

@echo off start “” http://www.cnn.comstart “” “” http://www.msnbc.comstart “” “” http://www.huffingtonpost.comstart “” http://www.aljazeera.comstart “”

The above-mentioned will be commenced with start “” parameter at the top of the multiple tabs in the website. You can even replace the links as per your needs and after incorporating the scripts, go to the files and save the file with .BAT extension and also replace the extension to All Files (*.*). You can see the visuals in the screenshot given below;

After saving the file, double click on the .BAT file and it will make sure that you get to launch the web page in a jiffy. You can even place the saved file on the desktop if that’s something you would like as it allows the users to access the multiple websites at one time.

File Organizer

If you are someone who downloads several files per day and there are thousands of files in your downloads folder. You will need to create the .BAT file with the below-mentioned script which will organize the downloading files. You will need to put the .BAT files in the folder with multiple files, then double click on it and the files will be organized in a matter of seconds.

@echo off rem For each file in your folderfor %%a in (“.\*”) do (rem check if the file has an extension and if it is not our scriptif “%%~xa” NEQ “” if “%%~dpxa” NEQ “%~dpx0” (rem check if extension folder exists, if not it is createdif not exist “%%~xa” mkdir “%%~xa”rem Move the file to directorymove “%%a” “%%~dpa%%~xa\”))

Below is the desktop visual of the code and how it will look. You can also see the organization of the files.

In the next screenshot, we have added the perfect organization of the downloaded files.

This is all and that is how simple everything is when it comes to .BAT files. These batch scripts will also ensure that no matter the type of files i.e. document, audio, video, and images, you will get to do all the functions. Besides, even if there are files which aren’t supported by your operating system, there will be a suitable format designed with a label. If the image format is PNG or JPG, the script will make sure that your files are moved to the proper location.

How do I open a .bat file in Windows 10?
1. Right-click on the .BAT file and edit it 2. Add a new line at the end of the file 3. Type in “pause” and save the file 4. Then, just run it
How do I change a .TXT file to a .bat file?
If you need to change the format of your .txt file into the .bat file, open the file and go to files. From the file menu, click on the “Save As” and rename the file. Also, do not forget to change the extension from .txt to .bat. This is all, once you press the enter button, the format will be changed
What is the .bat file extension?
.BAT file is the batch processing file which can be termed as the plain text file. This plain text file has a bunch of commands which are vital for the task repetition. Besides, the commands in the file can be used to run the scripting group turn by turn. There are numerous software which utilizes.BAT files in order to delete the files, copy the files, shut down the processes, and run various applications for improved efficiency.
How to open the .bat file?
Notepad will enable you to open the.BAT file if you need to edit. The Notepad is in the Windows from default and if you need to open it, choose the below-mentioned guidelines; 1. Right-click on the .BAT file and choose the edit option from the menu that pops up when you right-click on it 2. There are several advanced text editors such as highlighting especially the syntax one and it is helpful in editing the .BAT file

This was all about .BAT File Extension – How To Open It & Much More and we hope you were able to grasp the ideas. If you need further guidelines, reach out to us in the section below and we shall be here to help. Thank you!

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