How To

How To Integrate Instagram With Facebook Complete Guide

If you are using Facebook, there are high chances that you are familiar with the Instagram and how big a photo viewing application it has become in less than a decade. The number of users on Instagram and Facebook are somehow the same but when it comes to the active users, the Facebook is leading the game.

The best thing about these two platforms is that they have the ability to be integrated which is something Twitter and other social media platforms are unaware of. For instance, users can share the same images and posts of Instagram on Facebook if they have integrated the application. So, if you want to know more, we have added How To Integrate Instagram With Facebook in this article.

Now that we know that these applications go hand in hand, it is easier to understand why Facebook tries to incorporate all Instagram like features in their app. The owner of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, has even allocated the $1 billion cash for this matter. Last but not the least; integrating these two applications enhance the overall user experience as you will not have to upload anything separately.

Why You Should Integrate Your Instagram Account With The Facebook Account

We have surely added the process to integrate these two platforms but before that, we need to know that why this option optimal for you is. So, let’s see some benefits of this;

  • The integration of Facebook and Instagram will allow the users to share the edited and posted and published photos of Instagram on Facebook immediately and automatically as well
  • Your followers and friends will be able to see the pictures on both the platforms and if you are someone who is crazy for more and more likes, this option is your go-to option as more people will be able to see your posts and are linked to the original post. This will also ensure that you receive better and improved engagement

Facebook is the oldest social media platform and to be honest, this craze started from there as well. With the rank of being a pioneer in the social media industry, it is safe to say Instagram has the most number of users and it has the capability to make sure your posts reach more people. As these are integrated, you will get more likes on Instagram as well. As per the algorithm of Instagram, the posts that have higher likes and engagement are prone to be at the top of newsfeeds.

One other advantage is that the people who aren’t following you on Instagram will be able to see your posts on Facebook and get to know about your activities. This integration will also make sure that you can get your account back; Instagram or Facebook even if you don’t remember the password.

In the end, this integration will make sure that whatever you have published on Instagram, it can be shared on Facebook automatically including the hashtags, locations, captions, and even the emojis. Last but not the least, the quick photo album will be created on your Facebook profile with the name “Instagram photos” through which you can access the photos when you are in a hurry or if you cannot find them through the gallery.

Linking Instagram with Facebook

No matter which device you are using; Android or iOS, you will be able to integrate the Facebook and Instagram through the steps that we have mentioned in this section. However, you will need the smartphone applications for that because you cannot do it on the desktop.

  1. So, for starting, you will need to open the Instagram application and go the “Profile”. At the top right corner, there are three horizontal lines which allow the users to go to the menu and scroll down to the settings

2. Then, scroll all your way down and choose the option that says “Account”, click on it and then on the linked accounts. From this section, you can see if you are already lined with Facebook or any other social media handle. If you aren’t, click on Facebook and you can log in using the Facebook details; email and password.

3. Once you log in, you will be logged in and the accounts will be integrated. Now, whenever you upload a photo on Instagram, it will be posted to Facebook as well

This was all about How To Integrate Instagram With Facebook and we hope that you got the integration done. If you have other questions to ask, reach out to us in the comment section and we shall be here to help. Thank you!

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